Wednesday, August 1, 2012

To script or not to script

"Also, since I’ve been wondering, do you use a storyboard/script to plan the plot, or do you make things up as you go?"
This was asked on the site around two months ago.
I have a written document of the main points that happen both in each chapter, as well as bigger events for the story as a whole. Sometimes I will make note of particular lines I want someone to say, but otherwise, this is just a list of actions with no words. … Except maybe, “they talk about science” or “riveting discussion about the clock”.

Then I draw the thumbnails of about 5 pages at a time to plan out how I want each shot to work, and then the dialogue is made up as I go.

Scripts don’t work for me because I hate reading scripts (nothing against them, just personal taste). I can’t imagine what’s going on as these guys are yapping because I’m just staring at the format and it’s hard to deduce what it’s going to look like as comic panels. If I draw the actions first, I can arrange the shots however I want, and this inspires better dialogue.

But as I said, it’s the main points that are planned out. I have a general idea for small happenings between them, but those holes are generally filled as I go along (usually by the time I get to those points, I have much better ideas for them). And sometimes things don’t work out as I’m drawing them, and I make changes as that happens.

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