Friday, June 22, 2012

This week, I started Chapter 3 of Highly Experimental. I kind of don't like the fact that it took thirteen months to get this far, but I should be happy that I've made it this far at all. I've attempted comics, both fan and original since 2001, and I've always stopped after a few pages.  At Page 63 now, this is the longest running original project I've done, and while there's going to be, possibly a two-week break due to vacation and getting other needed things done, I do look forward to working on this.

There's also the print project: Getting HiEx published in book form.  Originally, this was going to be a novel, but then I decided to make it a comic even though I barely know how to draw anything in the story, and pretty soon, it will be a graphic novel.  I just need to find a good place to print. Lulu is too expensive and the format of these pages don't fall within Ka-Blam's standard or manga templates. The first volume will cover the prologue and chapters 1 and 2, which totals to 62 pages. I should put in some extras, yes? I have to decide on what extras they will be.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Hello again.

It's been about four years since I've updated this blog, maybe more. It's been an amazing adventure full of trolls, artists and dentists, slapping pictures on tumblr, and I've launched a webcomic, but right now amidst my adventures of job-hunting with the experience I've juggled at my last position, I found this really nice calling for social media management, but realized I haven't had a blog with with significant text content more than 160 characters long in quite sometime, and with my tumblr being too much of a flashy obnoxious image dump to be taken seriously, it's time to re-open this one.

It's also a pretty cheap move to do this when applying for work instead of having a blog already active when doing so. If I don't get the job, at least I can work on my blogging some more, right?

And let's keep it about stuff I like: Art, video games, and webcomicking. Maybe also what's gone on in my life these past two years. Right now I have a comic page to finish.

And remember the baby I posted pictures of in the old days? He's now four years old and playing Mario Galaxy on his own! :')